Products and Services

Double clear door to door

  1. What is double Qing?

Clearance refers to customs clearance, the so-called "double clearance" is also a series of processes of customs clearance at the place of shipment + destination.

That is to say, you take the goods to the forwarder company, and the forwarder company is responsible for arranging the trailer, customs declaration, and car distribution. After the car arrives at the destination to change the bill, customs clearance is done by the forwarder package.

Note that this process does not necessarily include delivery to the destination


2. What does double clear to the door mean?

Delivery on the door means delivery on the door. Double clear door to door is through various modes of transportation, to realize the link of land and sea, domestic and overseas customs clearance, export package, import package destination country, tax package, door to door one-stop logistics services.



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